Destination Moonbase-Alpha

NR1h 33m6.3

Watch Destination Moonbase-Alpha

Lunar colonists of Moonbase Alpha are marooned in space after a nuclear explosion pushes the Moon out of its orbit and a rescue spaceship from the Earth is not what it seems to be.

Alien Attack

NR1h 44m6.2

Watch Alien Attack

Earth's Moon is the site of Moonbase Alpha, a scientific research colony nestled in the crater Plato. Staffed by over 300 men and women from Earth, it is the operations center for several space expeditions. It is also a watchdog for vast...

Journey Through the Black Sun

NR1h 29m6.3

Watch Journey Through the Black Sun

Earth's Moon has been ripped from its orbit by a massive nuclear explosion and cast adrift in unknown space. The more than 300 surviving personnel of Moonbase Alpha find that the drifting Moon on which they are situated has become locked...

Cosmic Princess

NR1h 31m3.4

Watch Cosmic Princess

_Space: 1999_ (1975) season 2 episodes The Metamorph and Space Ward were edited together to create this movie about the adrift in space crew of Moonbase Alpha that meets shape-shifting alien Maya and her father who wants their brains.

Space 1999 Movie background