Topper (1937) is an American supernatural comedy film starring Constance Bennett and Cary Grant and featuring Roland Young, which tells the story of a stuffy, stuck-in-his-ways man, Cosmo Topper (Roland Young) who is haunted by the ghosts of a fun-loving married couple. Topper was followed by the sequels Topper Takes a Trip (1938) and Topper Returns (1941).

PG-131h 37m7.2

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A fun-loving couple, finding that they died and are now ghosts, decide to shake up the stuffy lifestyle of a friend of theirs.

Topper Takes a Trip

NR1h 20m6.5

Watch Topper Takes a Trip

To gain entry to Heaven, a ghost attempts to reunite a divorcing couple as a good deed.

Topper Returns

NR1h 28m6.8

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A fun-loving young woman is murdered after trading bedrooms with her wealthy friend. Her ghost seeks aid from Topper to find the murderer.

Topper background