Hope Eternal background

Hope Eternal

After the violent death of her Welsh rugby-loving doctor boyfriend in the country's civil war, a Malagasy nurse working at a child hospice in Congo makes a pilgrimage to Wales to sprinkle his ashes on the turf of the Millennium Stadium.

Hope Eternal tells the story of a Madagascan nurse working in a TB and Aids hospice in the Congo. When not in work, Hope helps trafficked street kids get well; she mothers them, houses them, teaches them, protecting them from sexual abuse. Hope collects the details of abuse stories for a Charity which we read about in our media. Her life is always in danger. Hope understands sick men. She has been a trafficked woman from age 8 - 17. She finds it easier to love children than trust men. She meets a Welsh doctor. His name is Evan. Evan has given up his soft medical life in Britain to work in the Congo. They fall in love. They make plans to see Wales and help the World, and he introduces Banti, the 14 year old daughter of Hope to the passions of rugby. Bantu loves rugby and especially the inspiration of Shane Williams, the Welsh rugby international. The film moves from the Congo to another in the Copperbelt of Northern Zambia. The love story is beautiful and brief. Evan has helped save age old family artifacts from Art Traffickers. For this he is punished. Hope's ID is stolen; without identity a person lost in Africa. Now Hope and Bantu have cross Africa through Zambia, into Zimbabwe and South Africa collecting birth information for her and Bantu in order to become an official person again. Good people help, and the bad destroy... then home is Wales; time to reflect.

Info about Hope Eternal

Studio(s): Bloom Street Productions, Sianel 4 Cymru (S4C)

Originally Released: Sep 15, 2008

Genres:Drama, Romance