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Leading to War

LEADING TO WAR documents how the Bush Administration made its case to the American people for military action in Iraq, despite worldwide opposition.

How does a government lead its people to war? Watch the U.S. government's blueprint for war unfold, as told by the architects themselves. LEADING TO WAR links together historic news footage, without commentary, from President Bush's "axis of evil" speech in January, 2002, through the announcement on March 19, 2003 that the U.S. had invaded Iraq. Gain powerful insights as you watch the determined march to war - in interviews, speeches, and press conferences by President Bush and his administration, including Vice President Dick Cheney, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of State Colin Powell, National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, as well as by British Prime Minister Tony Blair and others. A companion website, www.LeadingToWar.com, provides an in-depth exploration of the strategies and rhetorical techniques used by the Bush administration, along with a well-documented examination of their pre-war claims - many of which were later proven to be false or misleading. Hailed by the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung newspaper as a "shattering film," LEADING TO WAR film examines the media record from a historical perspective, revealing the determination of the Bush administration to lead the United States to war.

Info about Leading to War

Studio(s): Walden Woods Film Company Ltd.

Originally Released: Mar 18, 2008
