Outcasts of the City background

Outcasts of the City

After World War II, a German woman's romance with an American officer is complicated by a possessive former lover.

During the American occupation of Germany after World War II, Leda Mueller visits an American colonel to plead to be allowed entry into America, as she is the wife of missing American pilot Lt. Gerald Seabrook. When she cannot produce proof of her marriage, she is denied, but kindly Pastor Skira arrives to testify that he performed the ceremony, and that Leda is pregnant with Jerry's child. Convinced, the colonel informs them that Jerry is alive, although he has been considered missing in action since his flight crashed in 1945. At his bidding, Leda recalls how she met Jerry: When he is shot down over her village, Jerry crawls to safety along with his wounded copilot, Biff. Biff cannot go on, so Jerry leaves him hidden in the park and takes refuge in Leda's empty apartment. She soon returns, and Jerry grabs her at gunpoint and demands help. Although she will be arrested if caught aiding the enemy, Leda is drawn to the pilot and agrees to bring medicine to Biff if Jerry will promise to take her to America with him, so she can escape her country's current suffering and deprivation. Leda soon locates Biff in the park, but before she can reach him, he is caught and killed. Back at home, she and Jerry discuss the insanity of war, and she deduces that he is suffering from some past emotional trauma. Although reluctant to discuss it, he reveals that his ex-wife left him, then rebuffs Leda's attempts to bolster his faith in the world. Hurt, she announces that she will not leave with him, and when he asks why, she states tearfully that he has changed her life but does not return her feelings. Just then, a bomb blast shakes the apartment, and Jerry takes Leda into his arms. The next morning, they rejoice to see American tanks roll into the town, and though Leda is sad to realize that Jerry must leave, he promises to return for her. In the present, Leda continues telling the colonel: The couple meet whenever possible, but when she tires of the subterfuge, Jerry brings her to the pastor to be married. Their union remains a secret, however, and one day, Leda's old flame, Hans Weldon, shows up at her apartment to demand that she take him back. When Leda refuses, stating that she loves someone else, Hans turns to Leda's best friend, Helena Schiller. Helena has loved Hans from afar for years and now agrees, in exchange for his affections, to obtain information about Leda's lover. To this end, she visits Leda, who, in her joy, reveals Jerry's name. Upon learning that Helena is with Hans, Leda warns her to be careful, but Helena lashes out jealously and threatens to turn her and Jerry in if Leda tries to win Hans back. Concerned, Leda tells Jerry about Hans, and the pilot agrees to confront the German in person. Back at the military office, the colonel informs Leda that Hans is dead and that Jerry, who is missing, is wanted for his murder, as his i.d. tags were found at the crime scene. Later, Leda learns that Jerry has been found and is being held at the American military headquarters. When he is court-martialed, she testifies on his behalf, but Helena then takes the witness stand and declares that a jealous Jerry threatened Hans and shot him. Jerry is called to the stand, where he states that upon visiting Hans, he was knocked out and awoke holding the gun. Having glimpsed his attacker, he fled the scene and followed the man into the British sector. The lawyer, however, notes that the suspect, who has been identified as a war criminal named Hecker, has since been caught and killed by the British government and so cannot be questioned. Leda, knowing that Helena is lying, goes to her former friend and begs her to help them. Helena, however, blames Leda for Hans's death and so refuses. Desperate, Leda threatens her with a bottle, and when Helena picks up a knife, Leda collapses. Soon after, Jerry is about to be indicted when Helena shows up and admits to the court that she lied. She recounts the events leading up to the murder: Helena tries to talk Hans out of his plan of vengeance, but he insists on continuing, and invites over his former war buddy, Hecker. When Hecker refuses to go along with Hans's scheme to kill Jerry, Hans pulls out a gun and blackmails him, prompting Hecker to seize the gun and shoot him. Just then, Jerry enters, so Hecker knocks him out and puts the gun in his hand. With Helena's testimony, Jerry is freed, and he rushes to the hospital, where Leda has given birth prematurely to their son, who is healthy. The doctor tells Jerry that Leda has a chance at survival, and despite her pessimism, he remains by her side.

Info about Outcasts of the City

Studio(s): Lorraine Productions

Originally Released: Jan 10, 1958

Production Country: United States

Genres:Drama, Romance