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The Promise

"The Promise" is a powerful documentary that follows the compelling journey of Craig Hamilton, a courageous individual who battled mental health challenges and overcame suicidal thoughts. Through Craig's story, the film aims to spark a...

"The Promise" is a powerful documentary that follows the compelling journey of Craig Hamilton, a courageous individual who battled mental health challenges and overcame suicidal thoughts. Through Craig's story, the film aims to spark a conversation, an action and a solution for mental health and suicide prevention. As the documentary unfolds, viewers witness Craig's personal struggles and triumphs, delving into the depths of his emotional turmoil and the impact it had on his life. The film navigates the complexities of mental health issues with sensitivity and honesty, shedding light on the challenges faced by individuals dealing with mental illness and the importance of seeking help. "The Promise" offers a thought-provoking and compassionate exploration of mental health and suicide prevention. The film aims to inspire empathy, understanding, and action, fostering a society that prioritizes mental well-being and supports individuals on their path to recovery.

The Promise Videos

The Promise - Official Trailer

The Promise - Official Trailer

Info about The Promise

Studio(s): Green Frog Productions, Ltd.

Originally Released: Sep 20, 2023
