River Ridge background

River Ridge

The fictional town of River Ridge serves as the landscape for a plethora of tales, exploring the foundations of a community and its citizens. Distant sisters (Signy Coleman, Julie Pinson) confronting their dysfunctional past, lovers (Jon...

The fictional town of River Ridge serves as the landscape for a plethora of tales, exploring the foundations of a community and its citizens. Distant sisters (Signy Coleman, Julie Pinson) confronting their dysfunctional past, lovers (Jon Prescott, Danielle DiLorenzo) who have lost their way, an economically plagued mother (Beth Ehlers) battling the unraveling affects of mental illness and the damaging influence it has on her children (Carrie Watt, Seth Ford),a couple (Shannon Sturges, Mark Doherty) threatened by their baggage attempt to keep their blossoming relationship intact, a star athlete (Matthew Daniell) struggling to define his identity, and two teenagers (Matt McAbee, Christina Jackson) navigating unexpected love in the midst of intolerance and prejudice, create a patchwork of interconnected stories.


Episode 1 The Commons

1. The Commons

Aired: Jan 12, 2012

The interwoven kaleidoscope of the residents of a small east coast town and t...

Episode 4 Both Sides of the Gun

4. Both Sides of the Gun

Aired: Feb 2, 2012

Kenzie resorts to drastic measures to express her feelings to Brad. Meanwhile...

Episode 5 Irreparable

5. Irreparable

Aired: Feb 9, 2012

Unsaid words finally reach the surface, as Kimberly and Sharon exchange bitte...

Episode 6 Backwards Walk

6. Backwards Walk

Aired: Feb 16, 2012

Left with no options, Coryn unearths her traumatic past with hope for resolve...

Info about River Ridge

Current Status: Ended

Production Country: United States
