Tom Harwood

Tom Harwood

43 · Born: Jan 1, 1981

Personal Details

BornJan 1, 1981 London, England, UK


Tom Harwood (born 1981) is an English actor and music producer. Harwood was schooled between London and a small village in the south of Spain where he picked up Spanish fluently. Growing up, acting was always a passion for Tom and he performed on stage in Spain as a teenager, but it wasn't until Tom reached his thirties after relocating to Australia that he decided to dedicate his time to his love for the arts and start carving out a name for himself in the acting world. Tom has appeared in a number of films and TV shows including NBC's Young Rock and Amazon's The Wilds as well as independent theatre.


{"id":131670,"title":"Head Above Water","year":"2018","character":"British News Anchor","permalink":"https:\/\/\/movie\/head-above-water-2018","type":"movie","srcset":{"1x":"https:\/\/\/img\/90x135\/thumbs\/movie_131670.jpg","2x":"https:\/\/\/img\/180x270\/thumbs\/movie_131670.jpg"},"released":1}
Head Above Water
Head Above Water as British News Anchor